2009 Spring Hill Challenge
AAU TaeKwonDo Sanctioned
January 24, 2009
COMPETITION VENUE: Powell Middle School
4100 Barclay Ave.
Brooksville, Fl (352)797-7095 ext.244 For information please call Tina(352)597-5608 or (352)238-6569 e-mail: carlosdragon968@aol.com
Please visit www.mapquest.com for directions and best hotel values. Please do not wait until week of event to request hotel reservations.
Please see staging times attached. If you are registering at the door you should plan to arrive no later than 9:30 a.m. in order to insure proper check-in.
Team Forms / Forms / Point sparring / Olympic sparring
You may register on site. Cost is $59.00
Novice Division Only
One Event………………………………...............$35.00
Two Events………………………….........$49.00
Intermediate, Advanced and Black Belt Divisions
One or Two Events……………………………….$49.00
Black Belt Team Forms Team Fee……………….$40.00 per Team
Adult (18+)………………………….....................$6.00
Children (5-17 yrs)…………………………….....$4.00
Children 4 & Under………………………………FREE
REGISTRATION ENTRY DEADLINE: By Mail post marked Jan 16, 2009
You must be a 2009 A.A.U. member. Coaches must take the 2009 clinic prior to the event. Clinic will be held at Powell Middle School on Jan. 23.
Register at www.aausports.org for membership or at the tournament
Money Order, Cashiers check, Cash, Checks - Only. Payable to: Carlos Carrasquillo
David Turnbull
30132 Magnolia Ave.
Sorrento, Fl 32776
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Future Dates for Florida AAU TKD Nationals
Future Dates for the AAU Tae-Kwon-Do Nationals
June 29 - July 4, 2009 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Reposted from Florida Taekwondo Federation
2009 Florida AAU TKD Qualifier
April 24/25, 2009 Florida A.A.U. State Qualifier
Qualifier for Nationals and JO'S (2009 AAU Nationals will be in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl)
more info coming
David Turnbull (352) - 255-7707
Reposted from Florida Taekwondo Federation's website.
Friday, October 31, 2008
The 2008 Disney Martial Arts Festival
2009 AAU and Junior Olympic Qualifier in South Florida
Date of Event
Saturday, January 10, 2009
8:00am – 6:00pm
Pre Announced Staging Times
Athlete check in / weigh in
8:00am to 1:00pm
Charles W. Flanagan High School
12800 Taft St.
Pembroke Pines FL. 33028
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd Olympic Sparring or Point Sparring
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd Forms
1st, 2nd, 3rd, Team Forms
The top 8 finishers in any division qualify to compete in the AAU Taekwondo Nationals held in Ft.Lauderdale June 29 – July 4, 2009 and the AAU Junior Olympics to be held in Des Moines,IA August, 2009. The AAU Junior Olympics are open to advanced and Black belts 17 and under.Entrance Fee
Spectator Fee $10.00
Children under 12 $3.00
Under 5 (Free)
Registration Fee
$70.00 for One Event or Two Events
Team Forms three Black Belts $30.00
Coaches Pass
$20.00 (Non-refundable)
Must send in a 2x2 picture mandatory
Must Be a Current 2009 AAU Coach
ONLINE REGISTRATION AT: www.tourneyreg.net
Athletes and coaches participating from other schools must register by January 5th.
All coaches and athletes must register online and then send in payment (money order or certified check) payable to: Gerardo DeJesus, 7938 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
8:00am – 6:00pm
Pre Announced Staging Times
Athlete check in / weigh in
8:00am to 1:00pm
Charles W. Flanagan High School
12800 Taft St.
Pembroke Pines FL. 33028
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd Olympic Sparring or Point Sparring
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd Forms
1st, 2nd, 3rd, Team Forms
The top 8 finishers in any division qualify to compete in the AAU Taekwondo Nationals held in Ft.Lauderdale June 29 – July 4, 2009 and the AAU Junior Olympics to be held in Des Moines,IA August, 2009. The AAU Junior Olympics are open to advanced and Black belts 17 and under.Entrance Fee
Spectator Fee $10.00
Children under 12 $3.00
Under 5 (Free)
Registration Fee
$70.00 for One Event or Two Events
Team Forms three Black Belts $30.00
Coaches Pass
$20.00 (Non-refundable)
Must send in a 2x2 picture mandatory
Must Be a Current 2009 AAU Coach
ONLINE REGISTRATION AT: www.tourneyreg.net
Athletes and coaches participating from other schools must register by January 5th.
All coaches and athletes must register online and then send in payment (money order or certified check) payable to: Gerardo DeJesus, 7938 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Disney Martial Arts Festival This Weekend
Friday, September 26, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Upcoming Florida AAU TKD Events
September 27, 2008
January 10, 2009
April 24/25, 2009
Visit the Florida Taekwondo Federation for full details.
January 10, 2009
April 24/25, 2009
Visit the Florida Taekwondo Federation for full details.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
comBATON 3 for 3 Tournament of Games

comBATON Tournament of Games III to be held at Powell Middle School in Spring Hill, Fl on September 13, 2008. This will be the final tournament before the World Championship Games at the Disney Martial Arts Festival in October 2008. Regis Lima of Regis Lima Martial Arts will be the tournament host. Additional information is available at comBATON League's website.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
DC Turnbull Taekwondo 2008 Nationals

Medals from 2008 AAU nationals Madison, WI
Gabe Allen-------------1---------------------------------4
Joey Curtis-------------5---------------------------------3
Cyndey Goodwin------2---------------------------------3
CJ Vickers--------------3---------------------------------5
Molly Waters----------5----------------------------------
Medals from AAU Junior Olympics Detroit, Mi
Cydney Goodwin------1---------------------------------2
Monday, July 21, 2008
President Fitness Expo Martial Arts Tournament
President Fitness Expo 2008 - Martial Arts Tournament (Tournament)
Sponsor: Tyson Sports
Dates: 10/12/2008 to 10/12/2008
Location: Orlando, FL - United States
Phone: 407-240-1444
Sponsor: Tyson Sports
Dates: 10/12/2008 to 10/12/2008
Location: Orlando, FL - United States
Phone: 407-240-1444
Battle Royal Championships
Promoters: John Gabriel & Ed Gaska
When: Saturday August 2, 2008
Time: Registration Begins at 7:30 A.M.
Where: Minnreg Center
6340 126th Ave N.
Largo, FL 33773
FLMA Members: Day of Event Cash Only
$40 for Two Events $5 each additional event
NON Members: $40 for 1 Event $10 each additional event
Tournament Hotlines: 727-418-1900 or 727-804-3610
Hotel Hotline (727) 532-4800
( FYI: It is mandatory that all competitors Seventeen (17) and under must wear face shields and chest protectors while sparring.*** You must have your own EQUIPMENT *** )
F.L.M.A. (Florida League of Martial Artists) MISSION STATEMENT
The F.L.M.A. was conceived over a decade ago by a group of Martial Arts schools based in Pinellas County. The goal of these Founding Fathers was to promote a sports karate league that produced a fair playing field with discipline, self-respect and good sportsmanship. The F.L.M.A. has been a leader in sports karate tournaments since its beginning and will continue to strive to meet the goals of all member schools here in the State of Florida.
We have and will continue to strive toward maintaining the integrity and goals that been entrusted to us by our Fore Fathers.
Top notch Martial Artists compete in:
Self Defense
Creative Forms
Tag Team Sparring
Adult & Youth (ages 13-17) Breaking
The State of Florida's #1 Martial Arts Tournament Circuit
When: Saturday August 2, 2008
Time: Registration Begins at 7:30 A.M.
Where: Minnreg Center
6340 126th Ave N.
Largo, FL 33773
FLMA Members: Day of Event Cash Only
$40 for Two Events $5 each additional event
NON Members: $40 for 1 Event $10 each additional event
Tournament Hotlines: 727-418-1900 or 727-804-3610
Hotel Hotline (727) 532-4800
( FYI: It is mandatory that all competitors Seventeen (17) and under must wear face shields and chest protectors while sparring.*** You must have your own EQUIPMENT *** )
F.L.M.A. (Florida League of Martial Artists) MISSION STATEMENT
The F.L.M.A. was conceived over a decade ago by a group of Martial Arts schools based in Pinellas County. The goal of these Founding Fathers was to promote a sports karate league that produced a fair playing field with discipline, self-respect and good sportsmanship. The F.L.M.A. has been a leader in sports karate tournaments since its beginning and will continue to strive to meet the goals of all member schools here in the State of Florida.
We have and will continue to strive toward maintaining the integrity and goals that been entrusted to us by our Fore Fathers.
Top notch Martial Artists compete in:
Self Defense
Creative Forms
Tag Team Sparring
Adult & Youth (ages 13-17) Breaking
The State of Florida's #1 Martial Arts Tournament Circuit
Save the Date!
Future Dates for the AAU Tae-Kwon-Do Nationals
June 29 - July 4, 2009 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
June 29 - July 4, 2009 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Pro Wrestling in Spring Hill, Florida

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
AAU News

Master David Turnbull was appointed to Florida AAU review committee at the yearly AAU club meeting on June 15, 2008 in Mt.Dora, Florida. Mr. Turnbull was appointed to serve on the Florida AAU review committee, the board that serves as a review committee for athletes competing in all of Florida's 34 AAU sports. Mr. Turnbull runs the Florida Taekwondo Federation and is very active in AAU matters. He has an excellent background in many sports and was a state-ranked wrestler before taking up martial arts years ago. Congratulations, Master Turnbull!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Master Mehrdad Muay Thai Classic
Heres the information: The Master Mehrdad Muay Thai Classic kickboxing tournament is taking place on Saturday, June 28 at the Safety Harbor Community Center at 7 PM, the doors Opening at 5:30 PM. Tickets start at $15, $5 more at the door. For more information, call (727)-724-1530 Or visit www.mastermehrdad.com
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I Know, I Know...

Monday, June 2, 2008
31st Battle of Florida
Danny & Theresa Zaino, Tony, Joey and Dominique would like to personally invite you our friends and extended family in the Martial Arts to our 31st "Battle of Florida" on June 13th & 14th, 2008. The Battle of Florida is one of the oldest events in Palm Beach County and is sanctioned by NASKA "AA", ISKA Breaking, WAKO Continuous Light Contact Kick Boxing, FPCKE/NPL "AAAAA", FBBA "AAAAA", FLMA "A", and UFSKA "AAAAA". Specialty events this year include: Bart Vale's Light Contact Controlled ShootFighting, World Champions Mike Reeves "Ripleys Believe It or Not" and Fred LaSala with the ISKA South East Breaking Seminar and Championships, Dr. Richard Hackworth & Shihan Andy Horne with the National Team Pepsi Seminar and "Show Team" Try Outs, and Kendo with Masters Dominic and Mary Bruscino.
This years event and Night of Champions Show is sponsored by: Pepsi Americas, Ringstar, The Action Radio Network, World Martial Arts Magazine, FightZone Magazine & TV, The Hakama Lady, US Open Series Event, KICKgen, and Legacy Belts by Kevin Houston from the Dusty Roads family with $3000 in Grand Champion Belts for the fighters. These Grand Champion Belts are the same belts used in professional fighting events!
The Night of Champions Show will feature special guests and martial arts celebrities: US Open's Mike Sawyer, Grandmaster Carl Stone, Shihan Andy Horne, Dr. Richard Hackworth, World Breaking Champions Mike Reeves & Fred LaSala, 5 Time World Kick Boxing Champion Steve Shepherd, Shootfighting Legend Bart Vale, Black Belt Grand Championship Finals, Team Fighting, the FPCKE Grand Champion awards for 2007, and demonstrations from the Natioanl Team Pepsi "Show Team" the #1 Martial Arts entertainment team in the USA today. For more information, go to their website.
This years event and Night of Champions Show is sponsored by: Pepsi Americas, Ringstar, The Action Radio Network, World Martial Arts Magazine, FightZone Magazine & TV, The Hakama Lady, US Open Series Event, KICKgen, and Legacy Belts by Kevin Houston from the Dusty Roads family with $3000 in Grand Champion Belts for the fighters. These Grand Champion Belts are the same belts used in professional fighting events!
The Night of Champions Show will feature special guests and martial arts celebrities: US Open's Mike Sawyer, Grandmaster Carl Stone, Shihan Andy Horne, Dr. Richard Hackworth, World Breaking Champions Mike Reeves & Fred LaSala, 5 Time World Kick Boxing Champion Steve Shepherd, Shootfighting Legend Bart Vale, Black Belt Grand Championship Finals, Team Fighting, the FPCKE Grand Champion awards for 2007, and demonstrations from the Natioanl Team Pepsi "Show Team" the #1 Martial Arts entertainment team in the USA today. For more information, go to their website.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
BJJ Tournament -Tampa Bay Area 5/31/08
Reposted from Regis Lima Martial Arts MySpace Blog:
GBT Spring 2008 Tournament
Gracie Barra Tampa is hosting a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament on Saturday, May 31, 2008 at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreation Center in Dunedin, Fl.
Marin Luther King Jr.
Recreation Center
550 Laura Ln.
Dunedin, FL 34698
Cost: $50 for all participants
Registration begins at 8 AM.
Competition begins at 10 AM.
The children's division will be run first, followed by women's and then men's.
Children's divisions: ages 8-10, 11-13, 14-16.
Women's divison: one division, one level, no weight classes.
Men's division:
Weight classes:
159 lbs and below
160 -179 lbs
180 – 199 lbs
200 lbs and above.
There will be three belt divisions: White, blue and purple/brown/black.
There will be an absolute division for men. The winner will receive an Atama gold weave gi.
Email Mike Geery at mgeery@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Source: Pablo Morales AKA Venom
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Blade Fighting at 2008 Disney Martial Arts Festival
There are three new disciplines that will be featured at the next Disney Martial Arts Festival. This blog features Blade Fighting, a form of Filipino Martial Arts. Check it out!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Board Breaking Tournament in Orlando, Fl, June 21, 2008
This is a tournament for all ages and ability levels. Only boards will be broken...
Friday, May 16, 2008

1.Florida Gold Coast TaeKwonDo Open on May 17th at the Davie Police Athletic League gym in Davie, FL for Forms and Breaking
2.Florida Gold Coast AAU TaeKwonDo Invitational on June 21st at the Davie gym for Olympic Sparring
3.Florida Gold Coast TaeKwonDo Challenge (Double Elimination) on September 27th at the Davie gym
Master DeJesus is active in AAU Taekwondo, runs his own school and has a comBATON team as well. He holds tournaments on a regular basis. He also continues to train and was promoted to 6th Dan during the last year.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
DeJesus TKD Announces 2 Tournaments

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Master Mehrdad’s Muay Thai Classic XVIII

University of Tampa - 7PM
Click here to see Fighter Line Up
All Bleacher Seats - $15
Call 727-573-8589 to order tickets.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
MAIA SuperShow
It's not too early to start thinking about the SuperShow in July. It's in our backyard this year, so be sure to make plans to attend. comBATON will be there. Stop by and say hello.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Mount Dora Site of Taekwondo Scrimmage on April 5, 2008
This is an event not to be missed. I have never heard of such a creative way to prepare for a martial arts tournament. Click here to see a press release about this event.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ginger Running the Ring at the 2008 Taekwondo Challenge
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Save The Date: May 31, 2008

The Musool Academy of TKD and Hapkido will hold the 2008 Florida Taekwondo Games at Atlantic High School in Port Orange, Fl. This tournament will use basic USA TaeKwonDo Rules with light contact to the head allowed for the 11 and under divisions. You may contact the school through its website (link above) or call 386-257-4030. The hotel is the Hilton Garden Inn.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Nick Sparring with Mr C's Son
Nick and Mr. C's Son at the Dragon's Dojo Tournament in Spring Hill in January 2008.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Taekwondo Challenge in Lakeland, Florida March 15, 2008
Get Ready for State in Orlando at the end of April. This event will be held in Lakeland, Fl at the Lakeland Center.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
RLMA Tournament Saturday, March 8 in Port Richey
This is an AAU Sanctioned TKD Tournament in Port Richey. This tournament is sponsored by comBATON the martial arts team sport.
Official comBATON Tournament of Games Score Report
comBATON released the official comBATON Longwood, Fl Tournament of Games Score Report today.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
April 26, 2008 Orlando Area AAU District Qualifier

Thursday, February 21, 2008
April 5, 2008 Mount Dora, Fl AAU Taekwondo Scrimmage

April 5, 2008
AAU Scrimmage
Mt. Dora, Fl
(more info coming soon)
David Turnbull 352-255-7707
Point/Olympic & forms
Pre-registered $25.00
On site $35.00
West Florida Chanpionships March 8, 2008

Master Regis Lima organized this tournament which will be held at Chasco Middle School in Port Richey, Florida. The Tournament Director is David Turnbull. This is an AAU sanctioned tournament and all competitors must be AAU members. Click here to see a press release for this tournament.
For more information on joining the AAU to participate or to register go to the Florida Taekwondo Federation website. This tourament is sponsored by comBATON the martial arts team sport.
Saturday, February 16, 2008

comBATON is in its fourth season of play. Master David Turnbull was the first school owner to participate and has been instrumental in developing the game.
All of the players are martial artists and most are black belts. Several players hold the rank of master of their discipline. Players may be trained in Kung-fu, Karate, Taekwondo, or other kicking martial art.
It is a full contact sport and acceptable targets are the front and side torso and above the hip. The front and sides of the head are targets for the adult divisions. Junior safety rules apply for younger competitors.
comBATON requires excellent cardiovascular conditioning and sparring skills. The object of the game is to score on the opposing team's goal pole. Players may engage in sparring with multiple attackers at all points of the game. In specific circumstances, MMA style take-downs are permitted.
comBATON was mentioned in the March 2008 issue of Black Belt Magazine (p.32) and has been blogged by several popular sports websites. The Lake County version of the Orlando Sentinel published an article about comBATON in the March 23, 2007 issue.
Visit the comBATON website for more information.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
February 23, 2008
The comBATON Tournament of Games will be held at Lyman High School in Longwood, Fl. Visit http//:www.combatonplayersforum.blogspot.com for more information.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Mount Dora Challenge
2008 Mount Dora Taekwondo Challenge and comBATON Scrimmage planned for February 9, 2008
An AAU sanctioned AAU Taekwondo Tournament is planned for February 9, 2008 at Mount Dora Middle School. Afterwards, a comBATON demonstration will be conducted. Competing martial artists are invited to stay and participate as walk-on players.
The 2008 Mount Dora Challenge, an AAU sanctioned taekwondo tournament, is planned for February 9, 2008 at Mount Dora Middle School. Immediately after the tournament, a comBATON demonstration and scrimmage will take place. Competitors are invited to stay and participate as walk-on players.
ComBATON is the newest twist in Martial Arts. Combining elements of American Football and Taekwondo, comBATON develops cardiovascular endurance and improved kicking skills. Last year's walk-on team, Yesha Taekwondo, recently joined the comBATON martial arts family and is now forming teams in the Jacksonville, Florida area.
ComBATON was mentioned in the news section of the March 2008 issue of Black Belt Magazine and was demonstrated at the Disney Martial Arts Festival in Orlando two years in a row.
Some of the local competitors planning to compete in the tournament have been playing comBATON since its inception as a martial arts team sport. Tournament Director David Turnbull's comBATON team won the comBATON for the Adult Men's Division at the last Tournament of Games in Hollywood, Fl.
Mount Dora Middle School
1405 Lincoln Ave.
Mount Dora , FL 32757
(352) 383-6101
Four Matted Rings
Electronic scoring
Doors open at 8:30 a.m.
Competition begins at 10:00 a.m.
February 9, 2008
Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday
Officials Meeting - 9:30 a.m.
Opening Ceremonies – 9:55 a.m.
Competition Begins immediately after Opening Ceremonies.
All coaches must have 2008 AAU Certification.
A coach's clinic will be offered the night before in Lake Mary, Fl.
All competitors must be 2008 AAU Members
Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Black Belt Divisions
One or Two Events…………………………..$49.00
Black Belt Team Forms Team Fee…………..$15.00 per Team
Adult (18+)…………………………$ 5.00
Children (5-17 yrs)…………………$ 3.00
Children 4 & Under………………....FREE
Competition: Team Forms* Forms (bracketed) *Point sparring * Olympic Sparring
We will be using bracket style competition for forms competition
Money Order, Cashiers check, Cash, - Only. NO Checks Payable to: DAVID TURNBULL
David Turnbull
30132 Magnolia Ave.
Sorrento, Fl 32776
For information on comBATON:
Steve Blanton
# # #
About comBATON: ComBATON is the latest twist is martial arts. It is gaining popularity in Florida as new teams sign up and experience the thrill of martial arts competition combined with the camaraderie only team sports can provide. ComBATON offers seminars for schools interested in adding comBATON to their curriculum.
An AAU sanctioned AAU Taekwondo Tournament is planned for February 9, 2008 at Mount Dora Middle School. Afterwards, a comBATON demonstration will be conducted. Competing martial artists are invited to stay and participate as walk-on players.
The 2008 Mount Dora Challenge, an AAU sanctioned taekwondo tournament, is planned for February 9, 2008 at Mount Dora Middle School. Immediately after the tournament, a comBATON demonstration and scrimmage will take place. Competitors are invited to stay and participate as walk-on players.
ComBATON is the newest twist in Martial Arts. Combining elements of American Football and Taekwondo, comBATON develops cardiovascular endurance and improved kicking skills. Last year's walk-on team, Yesha Taekwondo, recently joined the comBATON martial arts family and is now forming teams in the Jacksonville, Florida area.
ComBATON was mentioned in the news section of the March 2008 issue of Black Belt Magazine and was demonstrated at the Disney Martial Arts Festival in Orlando two years in a row.
Some of the local competitors planning to compete in the tournament have been playing comBATON since its inception as a martial arts team sport. Tournament Director David Turnbull's comBATON team won the comBATON for the Adult Men's Division at the last Tournament of Games in Hollywood, Fl.
Mount Dora Middle School
1405 Lincoln Ave.
Mount Dora , FL 32757
(352) 383-6101
Four Matted Rings
Electronic scoring
Doors open at 8:30 a.m.
Competition begins at 10:00 a.m.
February 9, 2008
Check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday
Officials Meeting - 9:30 a.m.
Opening Ceremonies – 9:55 a.m.
Competition Begins immediately after Opening Ceremonies.
All coaches must have 2008 AAU Certification.
A coach's clinic will be offered the night before in Lake Mary, Fl.
All competitors must be 2008 AAU Members
Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Black Belt Divisions
One or Two Events…………………………..$49.00
Black Belt Team Forms Team Fee…………..$15.00 per Team
Adult (18+)…………………………$ 5.00
Children (5-17 yrs)…………………$ 3.00
Children 4 & Under………………....FREE
Competition: Team Forms* Forms (bracketed) *Point sparring * Olympic Sparring
We will be using bracket style competition for forms competition
Money Order, Cashiers check, Cash, - Only. NO Checks Payable to: DAVID TURNBULL
David Turnbull
30132 Magnolia Ave.
Sorrento, Fl 32776
For information on comBATON:
Steve Blanton
# # #
About comBATON: ComBATON is the latest twist is martial arts. It is gaining popularity in Florida as new teams sign up and experience the thrill of martial arts competition combined with the camaraderie only team sports can provide. ComBATON offers seminars for schools interested in adding comBATON to their curriculum.
AAU Championships
AAU Taekwondo Announces Dates
The National AAU Youth and Adult Taekwondo Championships
June 30 - July 5, 2008 Madison, WI
Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center
June 29 - July 4, 2009 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
AAU Junior Olympic Games
July 31 - August 2, 2008 Detroit, MI
2009 Des Moines, IA
2010 Hampton Roads, VA
2011 New Orleans, LA
Future Team Trials in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida through 2010
September 5-7, 2008
September 11-13, 2009
September 10-12, 2010
The National AAU Youth and Adult Taekwondo Championships
June 30 - July 5, 2008 Madison, WI
Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center
June 29 - July 4, 2009 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
AAU Junior Olympic Games
July 31 - August 2, 2008 Detroit, MI
2009 Des Moines, IA
2010 Hampton Roads, VA
2011 New Orleans, LA
Future Team Trials in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida through 2010
September 5-7, 2008
September 11-13, 2009
September 10-12, 2010
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Florida Challenge Taekwondo Tournament
March 15, 2008 - Florida Challenge
Lakeland Center
Lakeland, Florida
Randall Babbitt 727-514-7233
Jim Roberts 727-420-7538
more info at http://www.flataekwondo.com
Lakeland Center
Lakeland, Florida
Randall Babbitt 727-514-7233
Jim Roberts 727-420-7538
more info at http://www.flataekwondo.com
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dragons Dojo Tournament in Spring Hill Saturday
This is the first AAU TKD tournament this year. There is always a good turnout for this exciting event. Be sure to attend.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Suncoast Sports Festival in Tampa, Florida
We are proud to introduce the 1st annual SUNCOAST SPORTS FESTIVAL in Tampa Florida. This will be a unique experience for all that are involved. Coaches and athletes from many sports across the country will get together in one arena and experience great competitions. Many athletes and parents will have an opportunity to watch sports they never have seen before. This will be a great enjoyment for all. We will provide a superior venue and great atmosphere for all parents, athletes and coaches.
Athletes will enjoy the very best competition from all over the Nation.
Competition will include the following disciplines:
Girl's Gymnastics
Boy's Gymnastics
Rythmic Gymnastics
Tumbling and Trampoline
Tae Kwon do Olympic Style Sparring And Forms
This event will be in Tampa.
January 26-27, 2008.
Event Director: Arnold Gwinn – (727) 919-4149
email: sunsportsfest@aol.com
Taekwondo Director: Randall Babbitt – (727) 534-5209
email: suncoastgames@flataekwondo.com
Date: Saturday January 26th 2008
4800 N Us Highway 301
Tampa, FL 33610-7350
Web at: http://suncoastgames.flataekwondo.com
Online Registration: http://www.flataekwondo.com/online_reg/index-list.htm
This information was e-mailed to us and comBATON is not responsible for any ommisions or errors in this posting.
Athletes will enjoy the very best competition from all over the Nation.
Competition will include the following disciplines:
Girl's Gymnastics
Boy's Gymnastics
Rythmic Gymnastics
Tumbling and Trampoline
Tae Kwon do Olympic Style Sparring And Forms
This event will be in Tampa.
January 26-27, 2008.
Event Director: Arnold Gwinn – (727) 919-4149
email: sunsportsfest@aol.com
Taekwondo Director: Randall Babbitt – (727) 534-5209
email: suncoastgames@flataekwondo.com
Date: Saturday January 26th 2008
4800 N Us Highway 301
Tampa, FL 33610-7350
Web at: http://suncoastgames.flataekwondo.com
Online Registration: http://www.flataekwondo.com/online_reg/index-list.htm
This information was e-mailed to us and comBATON is not responsible for any ommisions or errors in this posting.
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